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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Narendra Modi Hero of Gujarat

Narendra Modi Hero of Gujarat

The name of Narendra Modi is food and life of Congress. Ask any Gujarati people about post Godhra riots where all Hindus are resposible because there anger came out due to Godhra train attack and they were suffering Muslim gundagiri and usual riots incidence since last two decade. Ahmedabad is the city where two month curfew imposed. Interesting to see so much attention given to MUSLIMS but what about those who were killed in Godhra? Please think about the main reason for all the problems…no train was burned, no repercussion would had been felt. . Muslims are in minority in India and Hindus are in minority in Pakistan. Have you heard Pakistan being liberal to minority over there? We are Indians and lets stay that way. What religion you follow should not be linked to the population percentage. If you make a graph and the population growth, Muslims will no longer be minority in 3-4 decades. Then what? Will you bring Hindus in minority quota?

What happened to Godhra train burning victims.?

I have never seen any report on the conditions of the family members of Godhra train burning victims. Secularism is good but you must take care of the main religion in the country.

It is good SIT has called him during Cong raj.

Truth will prevail & Shri Modiji will come clean. Smt Soniyaji was never called for questioning for Bofors.Not a single Gandhi family man called for anti Sikh riots in Delhi. Any way it is Congress culture.History has proved Gandhi family doesn’t tolerate any leadership to be developed within there party. Last month BJP president Nitin Gadkari has made some positive announcement for Ram janambhumi issue and that was widely accepted in moderate Muslims, congress never wish that Hindu and Muslims become one.

This wrong move by congress and again it will finish in incoming Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation election.

God will give the strength to Narendra Modi and all Gujarat people Good Wishes with Modi.

It is good SIT has called him during Cong raj.

Truth will prevail & Shri Modiji will come clean. Smt Soniyaji was never called for questioning for Bofors. Any way it is Cong culture.History has proved Gandhi family doesn’t tolerate any leadership to be developed within there party how we can expect them to allow outside leader like Modiji to develop.

* I am sharing this post from Sudarshan Upadyay’s Blog. I like that post and I think I should share with you. This post is by Mr. Upadhyay. You can check original post at *

The name of Narendra Modi is food and life of Congress. Ask any Gujarati people about post Godhra riots where all Hindus are resposible because there anger came out due to Godhra train attack and they were suffering Muslim gundagiri and usual riots incidence since last two decade. Ahmedabad is the city where two month curfew imposed. Interesting to see so much attention given to MUSLIMS but what about those who were killed in Godhra? Please think about the main reason for all the problems…no train was burned, no repercussion would had been felt. . Muslims are in minority in India and Hindus are in minority in Pakistan. Have you heard Pakistan being liberal to minority over there? We are Indians and lets stay that way. What religion you follow should not be linked to the population percentage. If you make a graph and the population growth, Muslims will no longer be minority in 3-4 decades. Then what? Will you bring Hindus in minority quota?

What happened to Godhra train burning victims.?

I have never seen any report on the conditions of the family members of Godhra train burning victims. Secularism is good but you must take care of the main religion in the country.

It is good SIT has called him during Cong raj.

Truth will prevail & Shri Modiji will come clean. Smt Soniyaji was never called for questioning for Bofors.Not a single Gandhi family man called for anti Sikh riots in Delhi. Any way it is Congress culture.History has proved Gandhi family doesn’t tolerate any leadership to be developed within there party. Last month BJP president Nitin Gadkari has made some positive announcement for Ram janambhumi issue and that was widely accepted in moderate Muslims, congress never wish that Hindu and Muslims become one.

This wrong move by congress and again it will finish in incoming Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation election.

God will give the strength to Narendra Modi and all Gujarat people Good Wishes with Modi.

It is good SIT has called him during Cong raj.

Truth will prevail & Shri Modiji will come clean. Smt Soniyaji was never called for questioning for Bofors. Any way it is Cong culture.History has proved Gandhi family doesn’t tolerate any leadership to be developed within there party how we can expect them to allow outside leader like Modiji to develop.

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AMARNATH BHARGAVA March 16, 2010 at 7:01 pm

Were Nehru, Jinnah & others guilty of negligence in not taking action against perpetrators of violence against innocent Hindus & Muslims- in the massacre of millions in 1947?

Similarly, in 1984, were the guilty punished for the massacre of Sikhs?

Or, Could Gandhiji, do any thing to stop the public from violence against the then Government- in the year 1942.

Whenever, there is a mass spontaneous uprising against an event, there is no instant cure, because instant action can become counter-productive.

Instant action could be even counter productive.


jaimin mehta April 4, 2010 at 2:21 pm

very true


BHARAT SINGH, BAWARLA April 18, 2010 at 5:48 pm

Shri Man Modiji,

desh ki aan baan or shan ka pratik hai shri “narendra bhai modiji”,
is “MAHAN” purush ko khub khub thans


BHARAT SINGH BAWARLA August 14, 2010 at 12:45 am

**नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी** जन्म 17 सितंमबर 1950) अक्टुबर 07, 2001 से गुजरात राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री हैं। अक्टुबर 2001 में केशुभाई पटेल के इस्तीफे के बाद नरेन्द्र मोदी गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री बने थे। उनके नेतृत्व में भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने दिसम्बर 2002 और फिर दिसम्बर 2007 में विधानसभा चुनाव में भारी बहुमत हासिल किया। नरेन्द्र मोदी एक अच्छे प्रशासक के रूप में भी जाने जाते है। नरेन्द्र मोदी ने गुजरात कि प्रगति मे प्रशंसनीय काम किया है। जनवरी 2009 मे 12 लाख करोड़ के निवेश कि आशा के साथ गुजरात को नये रोजगार और बेहतर भविष्य की ओर ले जाने में नरेन्द्र मोदी का बड़ा योगदान है।…………
अब हम लोग भगवान से यहि प्राथर्ना करते है,कि आप जल्दी हि प्रधांनमनत्री बने ताकि इस देश का भविष्य बनाया जा सके…………..


rajkumar sunderlal dholani August 29, 2010 at 4:53 pm

i m your work style fan very good


rajkumar sunderlal dholani August 29, 2010 at 5:04 pm

To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you?re not, pretend you are.”


rajkumar sunderlal dholani August 29, 2010 at 5:05 pm

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.”


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