BJP Star campaingner Narendra Modi, CM of Gujrat with AGP President Chandra Mohan Patwary attends an Election meeting campaigne
Nagaon : 11th April 2009 : Today Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) organised a election meeting in Nagaon,the north eastern state Assam.The meeting was attended by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi who is the star campaigner of BJP for this upcomming Lok Sabha Poll.The meeting was also attended by AGP President Chandra Mohan Patwary,MLA Girindra Kumar Barua and the BJP candidate Rajen Gohain.Narendra Modi waved hands to his supporters after landing his helicopter.On his speech he criticised the rulling UPA government specially failure of controlling the price hike, illegal immigrants issues, security problems etc.Further he added that the development of the country can be achieved if BJP make the future government. The development work has become stagnant in the time of ruling government. He urged the mass to vote for Bharatiya Janata Party and AGP candidates from Assam.
Election campaigns are becoming more and shriller and dirty these days. And when it comes to Gujarat the decibel levels are highest and dirtiest. In-fact for both the segments of politics “Right of the Center” – BJP and “Left of the Center” – Congress, this election is of immense importance. A victory or defeat will seal their fate in the next general elections.
Since last few decades both Congress and BJP are following same pattern of politics i.e. ‘compromising’ their core ideology to ‘look’ more and more “elect-able” or more precisely “select-able” by coalition partners.
Gujarat is a state which provides opportunity for both to anchor their ship back rooted in their ideologies. And here there are no ‘regional’ players involved!!
For Congress it is more challenging since, the “Left of the Center” is becoming more and more irrelevant due to rise of “Left” directly!! Party is desperately looking for a ideological pole to stick with and re-affirm its supremacy over electoral politics as it used to do in 1970s! They also have another huge and challenging goal to simultaneously re-establish Gandhi family’s reign in the party and national politics.
Gandhi family, in-spite of all hype and hoopla has lost charisma to convert hype into votes. It was clearly visible in last general elections of 2004 and later in many assembly elections across the country. And this inability to garner votes was most glaring during UP assembly elections.
This uncertainty of over Nehru-Gandhi Brand in Indian politics is causing severe turbulence in “Left of the Center” politics Segment. You can directly correlate mushrooming of regional political parties across India to this sagging of Brand Equity. Almost of all political regional parties that have come up, are of old Congress breed!! Hence political space for Congress itself is shrinking very fast!
For BJP, their inability to successfully establish them as the only and natural replacement of Congress in governing and ideological space is cause of worry!! They are struggling from within. There is no adhesive that can bond them with their ideological parent organization RSS, and some other affiliates. Time and again you would see fissures among top leaderships, Be it Uma Bharati, Keshu Bhai or Madanlal Khurana!
So at times these mother/Child/Mentor/Student organization appear to work against each other. It became most glaring during Advani-Jinnag episode. So these confusing scenarios always keep voters away.
The MAJOR commonalities between the two parties are their a) Economic Policies b) Foreign Policy.
Congress has adopted a new paradigm in Foreign Policy during this tenure which was laid down by maverick Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Earlier Congress was following dead wood concept of “Non-Alignment”!
These shared platforms make voters even more confused if they want to elect governments based on these major issues!!! It also confuses and throws challenges in front of their leaders to bring their party in different light than each other!!
Hence you are left with only one major subject to play with in elections i.e.: Home/Domestic Issues Policies e.g. a) Secularism or Psuedo-Secularism b) Terrorism c) Communalism, and d) Riots.
And in all these issues obviously the language will be highly rash, provocative and at times irresponsible. Provocation is best weapon, and personal allegations works best to attract attentions.
And at the national level the direct beneficiaries are Regional Parties!!
If, they don’t come up with something constructive to sell to people, Regional Parties will consume all the space available and we will be ruled by Bits-n-Pieces parties in New-Delhi.
One example is Mr. Deve Gowda… Do you want him back as PM??? I certainly not!!
Convenient Action: Gujarat's Response To Challenges Of Climate Change (Paperback) by Narendra Modi
There has been broad agreement over the fundamentals of Climate Change in mainstream scientific circles for some time now. Climate Change is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere. And its consequences for the world we live in will be disastrous, if left unchecked.
"Convenient Action- Gujarat's Response to Challenges of Climate Change", written by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Narendra Modi, is an illustrative book containing successful examples of the policy and programmatic initiatives for dealing with Climate Change which he has undertaken during the last few years in the State of Gujarat, India. The book explicitly documents the development philosophy that forms the core of his public policy and how it has contributed to both adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change.
In a field more marked by debates and discourses, the book stands distinct in its emphasis on action and how a conscious Climate Change Policy can bring in visible results. The book thus caters to a wide cross section of readers which includes policy makers, scientists, research scholars, students, writers and the general public at large.
"I would call this unique compendium of action a Green Autobiography of Narendra Modi who has shown a definite path and determined strategy to meet the Challenges of Climate Change."--- Steve Howard, CEO, The Climate Group