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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Convenient Action: Gujarat`s Response To Challenges Of Climate Change

Convenient Action: Gujarat`s Response To Challenges Of Climate Change
There has been broad agreement over the fundamentals of Climate Change in mainstream scientific circles for some time now. Climate Change is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere. And its consequences for the world we live in will be disastrous, if left unchecked. "Convenient Action- Gujarat's Response to Challenges of Climate Change", written by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Narendra Modi, is an illustrative book containing successful examples of the policy and programmatic initiatives for dealing with Climate Change which he has undertaken during the last few years in the State of Gujarat, India. The book explicitly documents the development philosophy that forms the core of his public policy and how it has contributed to both adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change. In a field more marked by debates and discourses, the book stands distinct in its emphasis on action and how a conscious Climate Change Policy can bring in visible results. The book thus caters to a wide cross section of readers which includes policy makers, scientists, research scholars, students, writers and the general public at large. "I would call this unique compendium of action a Green Autobiography of Narendra Modi who has shown a definite path and determined strategy to meet the Challenges of Climate Change."--- Steve Howard, CEO, The Climate Group ISBN - 9780230331921

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