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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Political current against Narendra Modi in Gujarat

Political current against Narendra Modi in Gujarat

BJP rebels have taken their arms up against Narendra Modi in Gujrat and pledged to depose him from his position in coming assembly elections of the state.

Rebels along with the former opponents, congress and other groups called him ‘Duryodhan’ who was sent to Gujrat by ‘Dhritrashtra’ Advani.

Farmers’ rally organized at Rajkot which attracted around 2.5 lakhs people mainly from Kutch and Saurashtra turned into a ‘Modi oust campaign’. Rally was attended by mainly two farmer communities Patel and Koli who are considered in a position to change the elections statistics of the state. Congress MLA from Dhoraji and a great leader of Patels Vitthal Radadia, BJP MPs Somabhai patel and Rajkot MP Dr. Valabh Kataria also attended the meeting.

BJP dissidents, congress members launched a fierce attack on Modi government for neglecting farmers community and following anti-farmer policy. They accused that Modi government patronized industrialists at the cost of the farmers. Rally leaders urged people to oust Modi from the Government and vote for congress. They pledged that they would do so at all costs in view that assembly elections are due in December.

BJP MPs Soma Patel and Vallabh Kataria threw a challenge before party to suspend them. Suspended MLA from Rajkot Siddharth Parmar and his fellow from Surat told that BJP is no more BJP in Gujarat but a private company of Modi. A resolution regarding the oust of Modi was also passed by the meeting.

Rally assembled all the rebels of BJP. UKA Patel, president of Saurashtra oil millers association and spiritual leader Dharmbandhu earlier associated with Modi also shared the stage with others including Koli leader CK Pathalwala and shastriya community leader Digvijay Zala.

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