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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Planetary Predictions - Narendra Modi

Planetary Predictions - Narendra Modi

Sun in Virgo
You are perfectionists,smiles Ganesha,being from one of the most intelligent signs of the Zodiac.Focused on details,you are good analysts,always correcting yourself and pondering over your mistakes.You make good communicators and critics.Discrimination is one of your most outstanding traits,says Ganesha.Very conscious of health,hygiene and diet,you prefer leading a well-organised life.You will leave no stone unturned to accomplish the work entrusted to you.Since you are so obsessed with details,you may,at times,miss the whole picture Well-mannered,disciplined,punctual and dependable,you make a trustworthy friend.You are hard-working and can make sacrifices to achieve your goals.High on morals,you like to work behind the scenes.You had make good secretaries and assistants.You have a helpful nature and are highly devoted and dedicated to your work.Sometimes,says Ganesha,you can be critical,pessimistic,petty,inhibited,nagging and hypocritical.

Sun in 1st House
Ganesha feels that you have a strong sense of righteousness and are upright, courageous and ambitious, commanding respect. You enjoy good health and stamina. Your arresting personality, jovial nature and optimism enhance your popularity. High impacting individual, determined and proud you put across your views and ideas confidently and with an air of authority. Blessed with leadership qualities, you have a high urge for success and recognition, says Ganesha. You tend to dominate others with your magnetism and can be haughty, impatient and egoistic.

Moon in Scorpio
Your emotions rule your actions,says Ganesha.But you do not express your feelings because you believe words cannot do justice to the myriad shades of your emotions.As you are secretive,people often find it difficult to guess your motives.You feel that others express their feelings superficially,without properly understanding their emotions.You may have suffered ill health in your childhood.

Moon in 3rd House
Mentally agile, you love to travel and will experience changes in career. Complexion of your spouse may be fair. You are knowledgeable, and blessed with good communication skills. Your siblings probably play an important role in structuring your mindset. Averse to spirituality, you would be dominated by your spouse. Children are dear to you. If moon is waning, you could be unhappy, harsh, bereft of values and irreligious. If afflicted, you would be lacking in peace.

Mars in Scorpio
Wealthy,forceful but opaque,you are a force to reckon with.Ganesha says some kind of honour or award is coming your way.You act strategically,observes Ganesha,and your accurate understanding of emotions helps you act appropriately and with good timing.You guard your motives well,but do refrain from spinning yarns.

Mars in 3rd House
This position of Mars gives outstanding courage, smiles Ganesha. Sports and games can take you to new heights. You could break new grounds in your career or profession or in fields interesting you. Ganesha guards you from dangers while travelling. Control your devil-may-care attitude and deviation from principles, says Ganesha.. Family tensions could upset you. This placement could be bad for siblings. Argumentative sessions might erupt often with your siblings and neighbours, indicates Ganesha.. Watch out for hearing problems.

Mercury in Virgo
Analytic,efficient and critical,you give extreme attention to detail,and run daily affairs smoothly.However,Ganesha advises you not to lose sight of the overall picture.You possess good organisational skills.You are learned,liberal and supremely intelligent.You are a happy person,blessed with many noble virtues.

Mercury in 1st House
Knowledge, flexibility, intellectual brilliance and good humour are some of your impressive qualities. Ganesha notes that your mental agility and sense of humour endears you to the people around. You could be especially drawn to the occult.

Jupiter in Aquarius
Injustice in any form provokes the reformer in you.A progressive thinker,humane and intelligent,you often provide novel solutions to problems.Understanding the world and people at a deeper level helps you realise your full potential.You shall be wealthy and enjoy a happy family life,says a smiling Ganesha.

Jupiter in 6th House
Ganesha says, you might be foeless. If afflicted, ill health could result from excesses in food and drink. You could be dreaded by your enemies. As such your health may be good. Luck could desert you. You suffer loss of honour. You could resort to sorcery. Ganesha feels, you are lethargic. Beware of humiliation, indigestion and impotence, warns Ganesha. You could have good relations with people at your place of work.

Venus in Leo
A self-centred person,you make the rules for the game.So naturally,you call the shots in all your relationships.Warm and friendly,you are very affectionate,but you hide your true feelings about those in your life.Ganesha says you need to give as often as you take.At times,you must allow others to take the lead.You are an inspired soul,brimming with creative ideas that are good.You may earn wealth through women,and are blessed with a handsome spouse.A helpful person,your relatives appreciate you for your generous gestures.You respect your seniors,gurus,mentors and elders,says Ganesha.

Venus in 12th House
You would enjoy pleasures of the bed. This is a good placement for Venus, says Ganesha. You may be blessed with wealth but must guard against loss of the same. Excessive hankering after pleasures could result in failure and frustration and drag you towards poverty. As a result, your life could become unhappy. Relatives could desert you. You could be a liar. Eyes could cause problems. You must guard against association with women of loose morals, warns Ganesha.

Saturn in Leo
You take your responsibilities so seriously that it takes the fun out of living.It's no wonder that you go about your daily business with a morose look on your face and lack that chirpy attitude so essential to healthy living.You live by your noble ideals and are respected for the same.If you remain so sensitive to things around you,you won't be able to enjoy life to the fullest.Don't force your codes and rules on others.

Saturn in 12th House
You need to develop a positive outlook towards life. Daily chores demand a lot of cerebral exercise from you. Deformities of limbs, losses in business are indicated by this placement. You may secretly commit sins and have a lot of enemies, . You could be squint eyed. Be careful regarding financial matters, advises Ganesha.

Rahu in Pisces
Avoid excessive obsession with details,when there are more important things to attend to.Success is more important than perfection,asserts Ganesha.You must learn to be flexible,and deliberately indulge in being playful.Give up your obsession for always being right.Let your inner voice guide you to your aim.Petty things may divert you from relevant things.Look at the larger picture,and utilise your critical faculties to bring order to your chaotic life.Your kind nature and intuition will take you very far in life.But try to be emotionally balanced,and learn to trust.Hold on to your ideals,and channelise your creativity in different ways.

Rahu in 7th House
You have aristocratic and unorthodox habits. You could have relationships with foreigners or low people. Your wife could undergo suffering on account of problems with the womb, warns Ganesha. You enjoy wholesome and nutritious food. You should guard against diabetes.

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