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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ministers, officials to learn timeless principles

Ministers, officials to learn timeless principles from top-class books in the book-review session at Chintan Shibir

A book-review session will be held on the third day of Chitan Shibir where minister and high officials will have a look into the top-class books inked by noted authors. The books include,

1) The Checklist Manifesto: This book authored by Atul Gawande will be introduced by Shri Bharat Lal, Resident Commissioner of Gujarat, and will be reviewed by Smt. Rita Teotia, Principal Secretary, Rural Development. In the book, author makes a distinction between errors of ignorance, and errors of ineptitude. He shows the benefits of creating a checklist and follows a step by step procedure. He has cited the examples of people who became business tycoons with the help of education and experience.

2) Oh Life Relax Please:
This book authored by Swami Sukhbodhanandaji, will be introduced by Shri Rajnishkumar, DDO, Bhavnagar and will be reviewed by Shri P.Swaroop, Municipal Commissioner, Jamnagar. Swamiji’s book provides solace and counsel to people who shy away from the day-to-day problems of life. His teaching guides one not to be upset with the problem; instead take it as a challenge and solve it energetically.

3) Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish:
This book authored by Ms.Rashmi Bansal, will be introduced by Shri Bancha Pani, DDO, Junagadh and will be reviewed by Kum.Archana Singh. Asst. Collector, Dabhoi, District Vadodara.

4) In search of the miraculous:
This book written by Russian philosopher P.D.Ouspensky, will be introduced by Smt.Sonal Mishra, Director of Municipalities, Gandhinagar, and will be reviewed by Shri Thirupugaz, Commissioner of Information. The book talks about man’s present state of consciousness, his possibility of evolving to higher states of consciousness and maps and methods of this inner journey as taught by his teacher and one of the greatest mystic of 20th century G.I.Gurdjieff.

5) Ethical Virtuosity:
This book written by Louie V. Larimer, will be introduced by Shri Ajay Kumar, DDO, Jamnagar, and will be reviewed by Smt. Anju Sharma, Health Commissioner. The book talks on ethics, integrity, character, personal accountability and moral courage and how they are relevant within today’s competitive environment.

6) Seven habits of highly effective people:
This book written by Stephen Covey, will be introduced by Kum.Remya Mohan, Assistant Collector, Rajpipla, and will be reviewed by Shri Vikrant Pandey, DDO, Narmada. In the book, author talks about an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls “true north” principles of a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless.

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